

Ceryle is a free tool to help you get organized. If you use a lot of post it notes, are a writer, journalist, researcher, student, or anyone compiling a lot of information for a project, maybe just trying to organize your recipes, bookmarks, or even your miscellaneous notes, Ceryle is designed to assist you in keeping track of things.

Ceryle includes features to help you store, organize, find and even visualize your information, using what is called a graph visualization. Those same graphs also enable you to create structures for your documents, see relationships between ideas, and even generate composite documents based on those structures, like building a book from its chapters or a screenplay from its scenes.

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Picasa is a photo organizer program produced by Google. It is available as a free download for Windows XP or 2000, and there is also a version available that runs on Linux. It's primary use is to catalog and browse collections of photos, but it also includes limited photo editing capabilites, and a whole slew of associated features such as producing CDs of images, uploading them, blogging about them, or printing them.

Picasa also works with other Google programs and services, such as Blogger (blogs!), PicasaWeb (online photo albums) and Google Earth (program for browsing aerial photos of the whole earth) to provide a very full photo management package.

MarkMail is a free service for searching mailing list archives, with huge advantages over traditional search engines.

Google Chrome, der neue Webbrowser von Goolge ist in aller Munde und hat nach den neusten Zahlen bereits Opera als Drittbeliebtesten Browser abgelöst. Google Chrome ist ein Browser, durch den die Nutzung des Internets beschleunigt, vereinfacht und sicherer gestaltet werden soll - so Google.

Leider teilt Google jedem Browser eine eindeutige Nummer zu, unter dem der Nutzer identifiziert werden kann. - Ein starker Eingriff in die Privatsphäre. Google macht es einem nicht leicht, dieses Verhalten abzuschalten.

Das kostenfreie Tool UnChrome der Abelssoft GmbH nimmt Ihnen die Arbeit ab und ersetzt die eindeutige ID durch eine Reihenfolge von Nullen, sodass Sie nicht mehr eindeutig identifiziert werden können. Die Funktion von Google Chrome bleibt dabei völlig unberührt.

This is the creepy video everyone is talking about.

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