Seit Samstag starke Schmerzen zwischen linkem Schulterblatt und Wirbelsäule. Diesmal allerdings keine Blockade beim Drehen des Kopfes.

DBSight is a highly customizable full-test search platform for any relational database.

MarkMail is a free service for searching mailing list archives, with huge advantages over traditional search engines.

Liberated Games is dedicated to cataloging all full commercial games that have been liberated and made free in playable form to the public.

Atmosphir is a free video game / creation tool for Mac & PC. Design mode lets you create enormous 3D platforming levels filled with fun gameplay elements like power-ups and fireballs, while Play mode lets you explore through the thousands of diverse user-created challenges being uploaded every day.

LÖVE is an unquestionably awesome 2D game engine, which allows rapid game development and prototyping in Lua.